Classic Paleo Coleslaw

We are headed into the final weekend of summer and as the grocery lines grow long, I am leaning back into my float for one more pool day. Okay, if you’ve kept up with me here on WJ then you are well aware that me on a float is highly unlikely. Let’s just go ahead and rat me out; I’m staying inside, annoyed on the couch, huffing and puffing because the sun is too bright and it’s hot. I admire everyone’s disappointment of summer’s end but man, can we get a pumpkin over here and some maple scented candles sparked up? I am dying.

This is supposed to be a positive corner but when the sun comes out each day, I want to do terrible things. Even my furry child is with me! She hates it so much that walking outside to the grassy outhouse is more terrible than holding it another 10 hours while we’re at work.

She also would rather sleep. FINE. You guessed it, she is me with a soft furry coat and two additional legs. I have this reoccurring dream where I am the pet and she is the human and she just rocks the switch so much that we end up not solving the fortune cookie and I stay her forever and I just spend my life sleeping and she gives me human food and it’s great because she promotes up and becomes this super senior credit officer who works to make the master happy and then I wake up and I have slept through alarms and instead of jumping up, we snuggle and I tell her all about the dream and she sighs because I am talking while she is trying to sleep. You know, normal dog/human stuff.


This slaw has helped me a time or two this summer when needing to round out a table. Two variations depending on your fancy– Paleo vs Whole30.
This slaw is a wonderful blanket to your fish come Taco Tuesday if you’re looking to spice it up even a notch more, toss the cabbage mixture with my
Southwestern Potato Salad sauce.

Sweet friends, if you have kiddos begging school in the upcoming days or weeks, I hope the transition from summer to business is as smooth as coconut oil. Additionally, may this year brighten those minds even more, provide you with never ending patience, and leave you with precious moments and memories.


Classic Paleo Coleslaw

  • Servings: 4
  • Difficulty: Easy
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  • 1, 14 ounce bag of coleslaw
  • 1/4 cup high quality mayonnaise, such as homemade mayonnaise
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons of pure maple syrup*
  • 2 1/2 tablespoons of white vinegar
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • fresh cracked pepper


  1. In a small mixing bowl, combine mayo, sweetening agent, vinegar, and seasonings. Stir to incorporate.  
  2. Empty coleslaw into a serving bowl large enough to toss. Add mayo mixture to slaw and toss, evenly coating the salad. 

*Omit maple if embarking on a Whole30 and substitute Coconut Aminos.

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